
Showing posts with the label smartvideometrics

Smart Video Metrics Review

Smart Video Metrics Review What is Smart Video Metrics? Smart Video Metrics is a brand new web-app that will allow you to finally be able to know exactly how much profit your videos are making, how well your videos are converting, and/or how many leads your videos are producing. Most other video hosting platforms will only tell you how many views you are getting, but none of them are able to show you if the views are actually turning into profit or leads. Well, thanks to this new revolutionary software, you will be able to know just that. This is a real game changer, and I don't use that term lightly. Key Features and Benefits First-of-its-kind Video Conversion Technology Know exactly how much profit your videos are gnerating Know exactly how many leads your videos are producing Know exactly how well your videos are converting Know exactly how much each video view is worth to your business Run automatic Video Split tests to determine top converting videos Skyrocket your profit mar...